Friday, October 17, 2008

Reunion Kickstart -> Please draw as many as you can on board.

After 7 years, as new year nears, an announcement arrives by mail,
NPS reunion is planned; it'll be grand; make plans to attend without fail.
Invitations will be sent to, classmates and friends, alumni far and near,
To gather for the school reunion in December, later in the year.

An occasion to wield old charm and to meet chums and peers
Also to see how past classmates have aged in all these years!
I'll tell others how great they look, staring them straight in the eye,
As I cross my fingers behind my back for telling such a lie!

The years have elapsed, rolling on at a frightful pace;
But as long as we take our pills we'll stay in the race,
To perhaps convene once again down life's hazardous road;
If not here, than an eternal reunion in that Heavenly Abode!

I'm feeling quite hearty, and I'm ready for this party
I'm gonna joke and dance 'til dawn's early light.
It'll be lots of fun; but I just hope that there's one
Other person who can make it that night.

Dear Friends,

I think my poem summarizes my thoughts on the NPS reunion. It’s the first time we are attempting to do this on such a grand scale and we sure would require each one of you to lend your support to help make this a success. As you can see, we have compiled a preliminary list of folks who have studied with us and we are sure that certain people have been omitted. I’d urge each one of you to personally go through this list and update us about the people we have not included. I would also be helpful if you can lend us the contacts of people whose contacts, are not currently present in the list.
You may mail us these contacts (Email Id’s and Phone nos) or you could suggest a person whom we could get in touch with to obtain those contacts. Also I’ve sent out trial invites to all those present in Facebook to work out logistics and co-ordination issues. In case you haven’t received the invite, you could personally mail me or add me on Facebook, so that in future communications, you’ll be kept in loop.

Also you’ll find all information related to the Reunion on this blog. It’s your one stop info hub.
FYI We NPSites are having our next co-ordination meeting on Saturday 25th Oct 2008 at Barista Indiranagar (Next to Beach restaurant) at 2:30 pm ( afternoon) and would really appreciate it if anyone who’d help organize this reunion or has ideas on the ‘next steps’ could be present.

See you all there!

Puna aka Anup Nair


Bisi said...
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Bisi said...

Strong evocative poem by the Chief Convener ...

noisyobserver said...

Hi im from your previous batch if you guys remember me. Its a great idea you guys have.
But please do not publish personal phone numbers and email openly on blog sites. Its breach of privacy and can be irritating for some people. You can give the list across through email.

Have fun!

Anup said...

This list has been uploaded with the contacts which were newly received. Also owing to privacy concerns of group members, I've removed the personal phone numbers and email ids from the published list. Information related to the concerned person has been marked as complete/incomplete with the details. Please go through the list and add the missing links!